Men & Their Toys

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Men love to buy and collect cars, motorcycles, water vehicles, old antiques, art pieces and rare items for the sole reason of fulfillment and entertainment. Most men put more effort in collecting items in order to feel his accomplishments. The men’s collection differs from its preferences, depending on its value, price, age, and design.

Collector’s items: This is a broad selection of items which can be from the same brand, year and maker. Good examples of these are action figures, old coins, stamps, comic books, bottle caps, paintings, sculptures and antiques. Some of these are hard to collect, while others are expensive. The value of these items can be judged by their rarity, condition and age.

Cars: Men are crazy for cars and customizing it has become one of their great hobbies. Cars are categorized in many ways like antique models, sport models, limited releases and customized. Collecting cars is expensive, but it is also a form of recreation that most men would consider.

Big bikes and motor bikes: Both of these are two wheeled vehicles that differ on each chassis. Big bikes have large bodies with long handles for steering. They are built for long travel and easier to balance, however, they are not built for speed. Motor bikes on the other hand, are slimmer and easier to steer. They look fancier than big bikes that give off a machismo aura. Motorbikes are the speed kings of the road, but are harder to control because of the speed it produces.

Boats and Yachts: Boys who are a bit well off with money will often buy boats and yachts. They do this to reward themselves whenever they are successful in a business venture. Boats and yachts are practically the same. However, it differs on prices, sizes and designs.


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